
Awaken a life of authenticity and meaning

Have your deepest questions answered in our transformative plant-medicine retreat

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Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life than ‘this’?

Are you going through a transition in your life, seeking change or a fresh start?

Do you desire a life enhancing experience?

Do you yearn for a deeper sense of meaning and purpose?

Have you struggled with depression, anxiety, or substance dependency?

Is it time to press re-set and renew your life?

If you can relate to these questions, then we invite you to consider our Know Thyself retreat programme.

We have been running plant medicine retreats for 15 years. Our Know Thyself retreat programme is the result of that experience and has been developed and refined over time to provide you with the best possibility of experiencing transformation and deep healing.

Our 10 day programme allows for deep exploration of yourself via four Ayahuasca ceremonies, complemented by daily yoga, breathwork, meditation, immersion in nature and optional group activities.

We prepare for each ceremony, and integrate the insights from them, with group, peer-to-peer sharing, as well as one-to-one sessions with the facilitators.

Our Know Thyself retreat is an adventure, both outward in the stunning natural setting of the National Park and, most importantly, inward. We offer you a safe haven, and whatever support you need, to give you the courage to embark on that adventure and experience it to the full.



I was looking for solo retreat to do ayahausca, a place to hide away for some time where I could connect with nature, meditate, and just enjoy some peaceful time with myself. My friend recommended Know Thyself as a very trustworthy place. I felt truly amazing there! It’s very cozy, protected and relaxed. The place itself is healing! And the river near by is just amazing!!! Also waterfalls, hummingbirds flying around, the sounds of nature. It’s just real paradise! And I also I love the people! Everything is very high frequency.
I left the retreat feeling very clear about what I want, and also trusting myself much more! I returned home to Europe with completely different energy. I will be returning next year for some more work with them.


Ayahuasca took my pain and fear away.

In the months after the retreat, my self-confidence rose considerably. I became calmer, more understanding, and more compassionate. Problems and difficult situations no longer consume me. Rather, an awareness that I am more than I think I am guides me. Ayahuasca took my pain and fear away. She taught me that they were no longer useful, and She showed me how to live without them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

United Kingdom

Know Thyself was one of the most transformative experiences of my adult life.

“The retreat was a real turning point in my life. When I went back to work. I felt like nothing could cause me fear or anxiety or stress. I felt bulletproof. All of the stress that I'd felt before was completely lifted. I had insights that just hit me, like moments of epiphany. Even though it’s many years later, these insights still act as guides in my decision-making today. It was one of the most transformative experiences of my adult life”

United Kingdom

It was a wonderful retreat! A beautiful location with a pure, unspoilt atmosphere and easy to connect with Source. The ceremonies were amazing and I knew we were in safe hands. It was as if a magic and had us all under Mother Ayahuasca’s spell. I can’t really explain it, but the singing, and the energy that it brings is really magical and in no time I was connecting with God and in another dimension. It was so powerful, so miraculous that as I said, I just cannot explain it except to say that it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. That, and with some incredibly powerful medicine are a wonderful combination which took me into different dimensions giving some unforgettable experiences with the medicine.


I reconnected with my happiness.

“I chose the Know Thyself Retreat because I was searching for a break from civilisation. For many years, I had forgotten who I was. I was making choices that weren’t mine. The retreat helped me go back to living in the moment and made me realise that being happy is a natural state of mind. I reconnected with my happiness”


My experience with Know Thyself had a deep, long lasting impact on my life. It’s not easy to quantify with words what I experienced, but I can say that for the first time in my life I deeply felt my own soul, that my illusionary self image dissolved, and a sense of unity came over me. I felt a divine presence, like an oversoul, and had visions of the earth and the planets all around, their molecules, atoms, lights and vibrations, and felt a divine intelligence at work, opening me to insights about the origins of life and of consciousness itself. I felt I connected with my essence, I received deep healing and a new life and will be forever grateful for this experience.


It was important for me to find the right place. Eden and the programme was perfect for my process. I needed help to beat my nicotine addiction, as I’d been a smoker for nearly 30 years and I thought it was impossible to quit. Ayahuasca helped me to get to the root of my problems, and the programme and the support I received was really helpful in preparing me for my new start. I now have more energy, I feel healthier, and I look better. This programme can really help people, but you have to want it also. I really wanted it and ayahuasca gave me what I asked for which I felt is an important part of it.

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a powerful medicinal tea brewed using the bark of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis bush. It is used ritualistically and ceremoniously to offer insight into spiritual, psychological and physical concerns of those who take it.

The Ancient Soul Vine of South America

Ayahuasca has been used for healing and spiritual purposes in South America for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. In Quechua, an indigenous Amazonian language, ayahuasca translates to “vine of the soul.”

Gateway to Healing and Transcendental Insights

Ayahuasca is used to attain states of deep introspection and spiritual insight, as well as to overcome conditions such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. People taking ayahuasca may revisit past traumas that have shaped or still influence their lives and relationships. Many people report having a transcendental experience with feelings of clarity, peace and joy during and after taking the medicine.

From Healing Traumas to Enhancing Life Perspectives

  • Improved or resolved depression and/or anxiety symptoms
  • New perspectives on life
  • Greater self-knowledge
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Alcohol and/or drug addiction recovery
  • Resolution of past trauma and trauma triggers

What is Kambo?

Kambô, also referred to in Brazil as ‘vacina do sapo’ (the frog vaccine) is a waxy secretion of a tree frog from the Amazon rainforest. The scientific name for this frog is ‘Phyllomedusa bicolor’ or ‘Giant Monkey frog’.

Kambo's Healing Power

It is used as a powerful medicine for purifying the organism and strengthening the immune system, as well as to get rid of ‘panema’, a Katukina word for ‘bad luck’.

Scientific research on the secretion of this frog started in the 1980’s. So far, researchers have found nine bio-active peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, contributing to heightened sensory perception and increased stamina, enhance endurance, increase physical strength and, in general, enhance the capacity to face stressful situations.

A Natural Powerhouse for Immunity and Well-being

Other interesting medicinal properties of this secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, its capacity to destroy microbes and viruses and heal infections. Due to the presence of these nine peptides, kambô is one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system.

Kambô treatments have short and long term effects. Short term, the effects are a state of alertness, good mood, enhanced resistance to tiredness, hunger and thirst, the capacity to easily concentrate and focus, and a still mind which can last for several days or weeks.

“Kambô circulates in the heart. Our shaman said that when we take Kambô it makes the heart move accurately, so that things flow, bringing good things to the person. It is as if there was a cloud on the person, preventing the good things to come, then, when one takes the Kambô; a ‘green light’ comes which opens up the heart”

Long term, kambô empowers the immune system, overcomes fatigue and improves one’s state of health.

What’s included in the Retreat?

Know Thyself is an all-inclusive ayahuasca retreat offering daily optional group activities, none of which are compulsory. You are free to have all of the free time you need to enjoy your own company, your introspection, and the surrounding natural environment.

  • Transfer to and from Salvador
  • 9 nights accommodation at Eden
  • All meals, cleansing detox diet
  • 4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
  • Kambo ceremonies
  • Daily yoga, breathing, and meditation sessions
  • Day trips to natural beauty spots
  • 1 ayurvedic massage
  • Clay therapy
  • Saunas
  • Herbal baths
  • 3 group/individual post-retreat integration sessions
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The 10 Day Know Thyself Retreat Programme

Day 1

  • 08:30 Check-in and welcome breakfast
  • 10:00 Retreat Opening Circle in the Oca
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 Free time / light walk to nearby river for bathing
  • 19:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 Campfire Circle

Day 2

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 11:00 Mud Bath
  • 12:00 Sauna
  • 13:00 Herbal Bath
  • 14:00 Lunch and Free Time
  • 18:00 Ayahuasca Ceremony

Day 3

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 10:00 Outing to Angelica Falls and Purification Falls
  • 15:00 Lunch & Free Time
  • 19:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 Campfire Circle

Day 4

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 10:30 Breathwork session in Oca
  • 13:00 Lunch and Free Time
  • 18:00 Ayahuasca Ceremony

Day 5

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 09:30 Outing to Butterfly Falls
  • 14:00 Traditional Lunch at Lady Maria’s Restaurant
  • 15:30 Sunset at Lagoa dos Patos
  • 19:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 Campfire Circle

Day 6

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 11:00 Mud Bath
  • 12:00 Sauna
  • 13:00 Herbal Bath
  • 14:00 Lunch and Free Time
  • 18:00 Ayahuasca Ceremony

Day 7

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 10:30 Breathwork session in Oca
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 15:00 TAKETINA Dynamic Meditation in Oca
  • 19:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 Campfire Circle

Day 8

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast and Free Time
  • 13:00 Lunch and Free Time
  • 17:00 Ayahuasca Ceremony

Day 9

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 09:30 Visit to Local Market
  • 12:00 Lunch in the Village
  • 14:00 Walk to Black River Falls
  • 19:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 Campfire Circle

Day 10

  • 07:00 Yoga / Pranayama / Morning Meditation in the Oca
  • 08:30 Breakfast
  • 10:00 Closing Circle in the Oca
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Meet Our Team

Paul Mallon

Paul is the Founder of Eden and has 14 years experience producing and co-facilitating retreats in Brazil and across Europe.  

A Hatha Yoga instructor and Ayurvedic massage therapist, Paul formed a close relationship with a native Ayahuasquero in 2008 and so began an intensive 3 year shamanic apprenticeship. In 2011, Paul became an initiate of the tradition of Santo Daime in the community of Mapiá, Amazonas.

Today Paul lives in Aracaju with his partner Thays, where they are students of Gnosis.


Jorge was born on the island of Marajó in the Amazonian state of Pará. From the age of 17 he became initiated into shamanism and esoteric knowledge. In 2006 Jorge became an initiate of the Brazilian tradition of Santo Daime, and in 2015 became an initiate of the 'Linha Unificada' of Chandra Lacombe and has more than 50 years of experience and applied study in the fields of healing, karmic astrology, and alchemy.

Thays Fernanda de Sousa

Thays is from Aracaju, Brazil. She is a Gnostic Initiate and a Holistic Therapist with specialisations in herbal medicine, Gnostic anthropology, aromatherapy, the study and disintegration of the Ego, mindfulness meditation, sexual energy transmutation, and NLP.

At the age of 16, she worked voluntarily for the Ibem Spiritist Institute, where she carried out charity work for underprivileged communities. At the age of 18, she migrated to Dr. Fritz's ecumenical hospital, where she served for one year as a close assistant to Dr. Frtiz.

Her relationship with shamanism and ayahuasca began when she was just 19, when she became initiated into the tradition of Santo Daime, whilst also spending time at indigenous communities learning about plant medicine and indigenous practices. Thays later spent 3 years immersed in esoteric study at the Binar Gnostic Monastery in Minas Gerais.

Andréa Cathalá

She is a ceremonial leader, medicine woman, musician, and therapist.
A native of the Chapada Diamantina National Park, she was raised by her two grandmothers, both of whom were curandeiras.

From the age of 18 she began a relationship with ayahuasca and plant medicine and became a faithful initiate of the school and tradition of Santo Daime. She later began studying and working with the Amazonian Huni Kuin indigenous tribe.

Today, Andréa is developing research and partnerships with the Kariri Xocó indigenous people, who are her direct ancestors.

In her ceremonies, Andréa brings together these pillars of knowledge together with her medicine songs and chants, which inspire harmony, self-knowledge, spiritual development, and connection with Self, with the heart, and with nature.


We offer comfortable accommodation options for individuals, couples, and groups. Please enquire for more information.

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Join Our Retreat

Thank you for sharing this moment with me and for showing interest in Know Thyself.

I’m looking forward to welcoming you to our retreat.

Speak to you soon!

P.S. Here’s a rundown of Know Thyself, in case you missed anything.

Know Thyself is a 9-day Ayahuasca retreat that integrates plant medicine, breathwork, and holistic well-being.

It takes place in Eden Sanctuary, a retreat centre in the middle of the mountains in Bahia, Brazil.

Please just fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch with you shortly. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

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